Welcome. This, as a matter of fact, shall be a giant lesson on the pollination and fertilisation of a plant.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

process of fertilisation

The process of fertilisation...

what is that? can it be eaten?

no. it is what plants do to produce "babies".

  1. the pollen grains in the stigma will produce a tube and the tube will search for the ovules in the ovary. (click picture)

  2. after finding it, the pollen grain will drop a male egg into the ovule.

  3. the egg's necleus will fuse with the ovule's nucleus and now, the egg is fertilised.

process of pollination

first, the male anther opens, lots and lots of polle grains will float in the air. Sometimes, agents that helps the plant transfer the pollen grains will then carry the pollen grains to another flower (by accident). this is called cross-pollination.

there is another kind of pollination process: self polliination when the anther opens, the pollen grains will just fall into the stigma of the same plant.

pollination in plants

This is a flower. There are the female parts(ovary,ovule ,stigma and style) and the male parts(anther and filiament)